I made Blintzes on Friday at school for our vegetarian dish and I filled it with Cream Cheese-Pumpkin mixture...I made the Crepe batter 2 days ahead (Wednesday) then made the Crepe the next day (Thursday) with my assistant Will...We don't have a Crepe pan so we used 3 none stick pans and in 30 minutes, we made atleast 70 Crepes...I used the
Williams-Sonoma recipe for the Crepe batter...I had some left over mixture and so I decided to make a Pumpkin Cheesecake...I really didn't follow any recipe for the Cheesecake...I just mixed cream cheese, eggs, sugar, Pumpkin puree (I used Libby's) some grated Nutmeg, some lemon juice and Vanilla together...No precise measurement, just eyeballed everything...Tasted it, filled the Crepes and baked them...
For the Cheesecake, we didn't have Graham crackers in the pantry...Then I saw these broken pieces of Spiced Apple Muffins in a container that were baked by the Culinary Students on Thursday night, so I thought, why not use them for the crust? I ground them up and added some melted butter so they will keep together in the bottom of the pan...I baked it at 350 degrees for 30 minutes or so...Not even on a bain-marie which most bakers would do...

I thought the Cheesecake turned out the way I liked...The top looks golden, just a slight crack to the side...My colleague Elvia asked if we could try it, but I never let her because I had planned to take it home and take pictures of it...It was close to sunset, so I hurriedly set the table in the sun room while still light out, gathered all my props-my Autumn napkins for the table cover, polished the silver (been in the box for years) and cut some flowers, Mums, perfect for my tiny vase...Well, it's winter and the sun is not as bright but no frets, anything 's possible now with editing...